About Us

Olorin AB

Olorin is a Swedish company specialized in monitors for different special application areas. We have extensive experience and knowledge of these applications and their work environments. Our focus is on high quality, continuous product development and excellent customer service.

Each of our product categories are specific to different application areas which demand a unique set of features, both in performance and design. One common denominator is quality, which is reflected both in our choice of components and supplier but not least in our continuous product development.

Olorin International

Olorin monitors are shipped worldwide together with partners. We have installations in Shanghai, Sydney, Caracas and Dubai to name a few far-away places, the main market however, is Europe and in particular the Nordic countries.

Olorin AB headquarters is located in Kungsbacka, Sweden. Sales and support is, outside of Sweden, handled by selected distributors.

Product Safety and Environmental

All Olorin products have the necessary regulatory approvals such as CE, UL and EMI. Medical grade monitors follow the MDD directive.

Olorin is also concerned with environmental issues and in the design of products hazardous substances are avoided to the extent it is possible. Waste disposal and re-cycling is part of our environmental policy.

Olorin environmental policy

All use of physical resources has an impact on the environment. Olorin employs an active environmental policy in all of our operating areas and we also weigh in such thinking in any decisions that involve use of physical resources.

Olorin is a small company  but has a global responsibility to contribute with a strong environmental policy, we are convinced that our commitment  also strengthen and secure a long relationship with our customers.
These are our primary points of interest in our environmental policy.

Internal use

Olorin’s focus is  on using renewable resources, to an extent where it’s possible, for both administration and distribution.

Our products

Recycling is a primary concern during our product development.


Electronic communication is used internally, to customers and distributors which lead to less  consumption and environmental impact.


Olorin co-workers should have a basic understanding of our policy to make sure we have a collected environmental thinking in which all Olorin employees have understanding and responsibility.


The managing director has an all-encompassing responsibility and also coordinates environmental work progress. All employees have a collected responsibility
in making sure the company meet and follow all environmental goals set by the management.

Laws and regulations

Olorin naturally follow all laws and regulations  that apply our product segments.